Ċensu Tabone, former President and Foreign Minister, died on March 14 aged 98.
An ophthalmologist by profession, Dr Tabone first served in George Borg Olivier’s Cabinet in the 1960s as Minister for Labour, Employment and Welfare where he introduced measures to help disabled people find employment. As Foreign Minister between 1987 and 1989 he played an important part in preparing Malta to join the EU and in anchoring Malta firmly within the Western camp after the turbulent Mintoff years. Between 1989 and 1994 he served as President and hosted a US-Soviet summit in December 1989 that declared an end to the Cold War. Dr Tabone was general secretary of the Nationalist Party from 1962 to 1972 and deputy leader from 1972 to 1977.
Fr Peter Serracino Inglott, philosopher and former University Rector, died on March 16 aged 75.
Often referred to as a ‘walking encyclopaedia’, this absent-minded professor was Rector of the University of Malta between 1987-1988 and 1991-1996 where he presided over a massive growth in the student population. He was Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami’s close adviser and speech writer and had a huge influence on the Nationalist Party’s social policy. Fr Peter was...