Archbishop Paul Cremona has called for a concerted effort by the government to promote raising the "moral fibre" of the Maltese.
In comments during Pontifical Mass to celebrate Malta's Independence, Mgr Cremona said Independence and subsequent political events including the attainment of the Republic status and Freedom Day, brought about increased responsibilities for the country.
But one had to wonder, had the country's moral fibre improved or gone backward?
"What efforts are being made to strengthen the moral fibre, the social values of the country, justice, honesty and solidarity?"
Society was the loser when moral fibre was weakened, the Archbishop said. Without a moral conscience, the road was opened for theft, fraud, deception, tax evasion and injustice, all to the detriment of the people.
Mgr Cremona suggested that a government entity, such as a parliamentary secretariat, could focus on strengthening moral fibre.
While some work was being done in schools, this only targeted pupils, the Archbishop said. However one also needed to target adults and society in general.
The Church had always worked to strengthen moral fibre, but it could not be left on its own. Moral fibre...