Malta “needed” Eddie Fenech Adami in 1987, the same way it needed Dom Mintoff in 1971, Labour leader Joseph Muscat tells The Sunday Times in an interview today.
Citing the Labour government’s “crusade” against Church schools in the 1980s as a massive mistake, Dr Muscat admits matters spiralled out of control after British forces left the island for the last time in 1979.
Two weeks into the election campaign, Dr Muscat says his proposals transcend party lines and this is why he is now heading a “movement” incorporating former PN activists who fought for democracy in 1987.
He also reveals that he intends to retain certain Nationalist- leaning government-appointed chairmen if elected to government on March 9, but warns others will have to go because they are part of “GonziPN’s fan club”.
Full interview in The Sunday Times.